Welk beestje (geleedpotigen enz.) is dat?

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Ophion sp. Sphex funerarius Gomphus pulchellus Lestes barbarus Chasmias lugens
Sympetrum danae Leucorrhinia pectoralis Leucorrhinia caudalis Libellula fulva Coenagrion pulchellum
Coenagrion armatum Brachytron pratense Enallagma cyathigerum Aeshna grandis Aeshna mixta
Ceriagrion tenellum Sympetrum striolatum Sympetrum vulgatum Pyrrhosoma nymphula Platycnemis pennipes
Orthetrum cancellatum Libellula quadrimaculata Lestes viridis Lestes sponsa Ischnura elegans
Erythromma najas Cordulia aenea Cordulegaster boltonii Chrysoperla carnea Calopteryx virgo
Anax imperator Ammophila sabulosa Aeshna cyanea Leucorrhinia dubia Coenagrion puella
Libellula depressa Sympetrum flaveolum Sympetrum sanguineum Crocothemis erythraea Dolichomitus imperator
Onychogomphus forcipatus Calopteryx splendens Sympetrum meridionale Sympetrum pedemontanum