What mammal did you see?

Select size, shape, colour, tail, front leg, head, pattern, social, ability, food, habitat or a combination and discover the name of the European mammal you have seen. For the English name, more photos and information click a mammal photo from below.
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Capra pyrenaica Rattus norvegicus Rattus rattus Myocastor coypus Gulo gulo
Lynx lynx Microtus agrestis Soricinae sp. Crocidurinae sp. Cricetus cricetus
Felis silvestris Talpa europaea Castor fiber Ursus arctos Sus scrofa
Sciurus vulgaris Rupicapra rupicapra Rhinolophus hipposideros Procyon lotor Ovis orientalis
Mustela putorius Mustela erminea Ondatra zibethicus Meles meles Marmota marmota
Lutra lutra Lepus europaeus Dama dama Capreolus capreolus Canis lupus