Which butterfly is that?

Select wingspan, profile, colour, eye-spot, antennae, CaterPillar size, cp skin, cp colour, cp pattern, type or a combination and discover the name of the European butterfly you have seen. For the English name, more photos and information click a butterfly photo from below.
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Colotois pennaria Cabera pusaria Timandra comae Xanthorhoe fluctuata Lomaspilis marginata
Idaea rusticata Hemithea aestivaria Idaea seriata Epirrhoe rivata Glyphodes perspectalis
Saturnia pavonia Macrothylacia rubi Peribatodes secundaria Xanthorhoe montanata Anania coronata
Scopula decorata Geometra papilionaria Eurrhypara hortulata Biston betularia Abraxas grossulariata
Ematurga atomaria Cyclophora linearia Opisthograptis luteolata