Trees and bushes (under construction)

Select leaf-size, leaf-shape, leaf-edge, twig, bask, tree-height, seed-colour, seed-shell, flower-colour, flower-type, tree-type or a combination and discover the name of the European tree or bush you have seen. For the English name, more info and pictures select a photo from below.
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Ulex canescens Lavatera maritima Prunus domestica Prunus avium Carpinus betulus
Berberis vulgaris Alnus viridis Alnus incana Acer platanoides Viburnum opulus
Quercus ilex Prunus spinosa Fraxinus excelsior Crataegus monogyna Alnus glutinosa
Tilia cordata Betula pendula Acer pseudoplatanus Sorbus aucuparia Malus sylvestris
Rubus fruticosus Castanea sativa Ficus carica Prunus dulcis Aesculus hippocastanum
Tilia platyphyllos