
Biston betularia
尺蛾科 (Geometridae)

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桦尺蛾(学名:Biston betularia),幼蟲又称桦尺蠖,是廣泛分布於歐、亞、北美三洲的夜行性尺蛾科物種。桦尺蠖在生物演化论的科学发展史上有着重大的意义,其演化過程經常被援引作例子。




桦尺蠖的英文称为“斑点蛾”(peppered moth),因19世纪中叶之前见到的桦尺蠖,都是浅灰色的翅膀上散布着一些黑色斑点。桦尺蠖在過去二百多年間的演化過程常常被深入研究。 1848年,首次采集到了黑色翅膀的桦尺蠖标本。

英国生物学家凯特·威尔(Bernard Kettlewell)、麦克·马杰鲁斯(Michael Majerus)等用实验证明了黑蛾的大量出现是鸟类的选择的结果(自然选择),而非煤烟等物质的定向诱导(拉马克主义)。




  • Bruce Grant has written several papers on melanism in the peppered moth which are listed on his home page (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  • Online lecture: "The rise and fall of the melanic Peppered Moth" presented by Laurence Cook.
  • Matt Young. Moonshine: Why the Peppered Moth remains an Icon of Evolution. Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines. [2009-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-16). 
  • The Peppered Moth: Decline of a Darwinian Disciple. This is the transcript of Michael Majerus' lecture delivered to the British Humanist Association on Darwin Day 2004.
  • The Peppered Moth: The Proof of Darwinian Evolution. This is the transcript of Majerus' lecture given at the European Society for Evolutionary Biology meeting on 23 August 2007. The accompanying powerpoint presentation is also available as a pdf file.
  • Majerus, Michael E. N. Industrial Melanism in the Peppered Moth, Biston betularia: An Excellent Teaching Example of Darwinian Evolution in Action. Evolution: Education and Outreach. 6 December 2008, 2 (1): 63–74 [2010-04-20]. doi:10.1007/s12052-008-0107-y. (原始内容存档于2019-09-02). Accusations of data fudging and scientific fraud in the case are found to be vacuous. 
  • An interactive game to simulate how evolution works with Biston betularia



翼展 轮廓 颜色 单眼 触角 毛虫 尺寸 毛虫 皮肤 毛虫 颜色 毛虫 形态
翼展  40-70毫米 轮廓  面 颜色 单眼 触角  羽毛 毛虫 尺寸  > 40毫米 毛虫 皮肤  秃头 毛虫 颜色 毛虫 形态  标志着 类  晚上
40-70毫米 羽毛 > 40毫米 秃头 标志着 晚上
0 相似物种 (LA):
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